Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ~ 0 Comments


I'm friggin sleepy at the office and its raining cats and dogs outside.

Anyway, writing in to inform that ikea's sale is driving me crazy. Mom excitedly wanted to sponsor my bedroom's set for the wedding day, as what she had given to the rest of her children. So we went to Ikea last monday and boy, the place was swamped by hundreds and hundreds of people!

Its the sale that drove people to the place. Or maybe simply because Malaysians love Ikea, Tesco and anything malls. Anyhoo, the bedroom is gonna be super white and simple. Yippie. Mom has absolutely no objection to my choosing which makes me love her even more! 

For the time being, progress is pretty slow but we have started buying stuff for hantaran. My first item was - shoes! I detest the idea of buying stuff that I'm not gonna wear so we agreed to buy each of us a Clarks. I know, I know. Its nothing fancy and girlish and and feminine but hey, its so cute I had a hard time to resist! Plus its really comfy and wont hurt your back wearing 'em.

Teeheeheeeeeeeeeee :D